Cricket Pitch: Length and Width, With Dimensions

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cricket pitch length: The cricket pitch is a fundamental component of the game, acting as the central arena for all cricketing activities. Despite its importance, the precise dimensions of a cricket pitch are frequently disregarded details in the sport. This article intends to illuminate the comprehensive measurements.

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The length of a cricket pitch extends to 22 yards (equivalent to 20.12 meters or 66 feet), indicating the distance between the wickets situated at each end of the pitch. Simultaneously, the width of the cricket pitch measures 10 feet (equivalent to 3.05 meters).

Length of a Cricket Pitch

While the previous paragraph offers a brief summary of the length and width of the cricket pitch, there are numerous other measurements conducted on the pitch prior to the start of a match. Let’s explore the comprehensive measurements of each component on a cricket pitch.


As mentioned earlier, there are several measurements concerning different aspects of a cricket pitch that require attention from pitch curators, umpires, players, and spectators alike. To start, let’s delve into the specifics of the dimensions of a cricket pitch.

What is the Length of a Cricket Pitch?

Undoubtedly, the most crucial measurement on a cricket pitch is its length. A precise comprehension of the cricket pitch’s length is essential for accurately arranging and positioning other elements such as creases and wickets on the pitch.

It’s worth mentioning that cricket, originating as a colonial game, traditionally utilizes measurement systems such as yards. However, in modern times, cricket pitches are also measured using contemporary systems like the metric system.

Length of a Cricket Pitch

Length in Yards

The cricket pitch boasts a length of 22 yards, with a width of 3.33 yards.

The 22-yard length indicates the distance between the two wickets positioned at each end of the cricket pitch. Including the additional space behind the two wickets, this totals approximately 24.6 yards.

S. NoDimension MeasuredSize (in yards)
1Length of a cricket pitch from wicket to wicket22
2Length of a cricket pitch from crease to crease19.3
3Length of a cricket pitch from edge to edge24.6
4Width of the cricket pitch used during the game3.33
5Total width of the cricket pitch4

Pitch Length in Meters

As the yard, a traditional measurement unit, may pose challenges for precise measurement, individuals frequently turn to the modern metric measurement system to ascertain the dimensions of a cricket pitch.

In metric terms, a measures 20.12 meters in length and 3.05 meters in width.

S. NoDimension MeasuredSize (in meters)
1Length of a cricket pitch from wicket to wicket20.12
2Length of a cricket pitch from crease to crease17.68
3Length of a cricket pitch from edge to edge22.56
4Width of the cricket pitch used during the game3.05
5Total width of the cricket pitch3.66

Pitch Length in Feet

Another commonly utilized unit of measurement for a cricket pitch is feet, albeit not as prevalent as the metric system. Nevertheless, let’s explore the dimensions of a cricket pitch in feet.

In feet, a cricket pitch measures 66 feet in length and 10 feet in width.

S. NoDimension MeasuredSize (in meters)Size (in feet)
1Length of a cricket pitch from wicket to wicket20.1266
2Length of a cricket pitch from crease to crease17.6858
3Length of a cricket pitch from edge to edge22.5674
4Width of the cricket pitch used during the game3.0510
5Total width of the cricket pitch3.6612

Cricket Pitch Length in Steps

In certain circumstances where precise measurements are unavailable or tools are not accessible, a practical method for determining the length of the pitch involves using a simpler approach. An uncomplicated technique entails measuring the pitch’s length with your feet, relying on step count.

Typically, an adult can cover approximately 10 meters in about 13 walking steps. Therefore, to gauge the length of the cricket pitch using this method, one would need to take 26 steps.

S. NoDimension MeasuredSize (in steps)
1Length of a cricket pitch from wicket to wicket26
2Length of a cricket pitch from crease to crease23
3Length of a cricket pitch from edge to edge29
4Width of the cricket pitch used during the game4
5Total width of the cricket pitch4.75

Various Elements

To grasp the comprehensive measurements of a cricket pitch, it is essential to first identify and comprehend the elements that need to be measured, including their respective names.

CreaseMarking indicating the batsman’s safe zone near the stumps.
Bowling CreaseMarking at the bowler’s end, denoting the termination of the pitch.
Popping CreaseLine where the batsman needs to ground the bat to be considered safe.
Return CreaseParallel lines at the bowler’s end to guide the bowler’s approach.
WicketsSet of three stumps and two bails, the target for the bowler.
StumpsThree vertical posts supporting the bails, positioned at each end.
BailsSmall pieces placed on top of the stumps, dislodged when a wicket falls.


In the course of a cricket match, the playing field is delineated by specific white lines referred to as “Crease.”

3 types of crease

  • Bowling Crease: The bowling crease, where the wickets are positioned in a cricket game, is a line perpendicular to the pitch’s Length. It marks the commencement of the actual playing area for the game.
  • Return Crease: Comprising two parallel lines perpendicular to the bowling crease, the return crease is drawn on both sides of a wicket. It serves a dual purpose, acting as an indicator for a “Wide Ball” and aiding in identifying a back-foot “No Ball” when the bowler’s foot crosses it while delivering the ball.
  • Popping Crease: Positioned in front of the bowling crease and running parallel to it, the popping crease has dual functions. It is crucial for detecting a front foot “No Ball” when the bowler’s front leg crosses it during delivery. Additionally, it outlines the safe zone for the batsman, requiring at least some part of the batsman, including the bat, to be inside the popping crease at any given moment in the game.


In a game of cricket, a cricket pitch features two sets of wickets. A wicket in cricket consists of three stumps and two bails.

As depicted in the image above, each wicket comprises two bails resting on top of the stumps. On a cricket pitch, there are a total of two sets of wickets.

Dimensions of the Crease

S. NoDimension MeasuredSize (in meters)Size (in feet and inches)
1Length of the return crease from the middle stump1.324 ft 4 in
2Distance of the popping crease from the stumps1.224 feet
3Distance between the two return creases2.648 ft 8 in

Dimensions of the Wicket

Examining the diverse dimensions associated with wicket size and measurement, it is crucial to highlight that each bail consists of a barrel, a longer spigot, and a shorter spigot, the latter resulting from the barrel.

Dimension MeasuredSize (inches)Size (cms)
Height of the stumps2871.10
Minimum Thickness of each stump1.3753.49
Maximum Thickness of each stump1.53.81
Total width of the wickets922.90
Overall length of bails4.312510.95
Length of the barrel of the bails2.1255.40
Length of the longer spigot of the bails1.3753.49
Length of shorter spigot of the bails0.81252.06

Does the Length of the Cricket Pitch Change Ever?

Although the materials used in constructing cricket pitches may differ from one ground to another, the dimensions of the pitch itself remain consistent irrespective of the country, stadium, or league. Nevertheless, in select countries, junior cricket leagues endorsed by their respective cricket boards might adopt adjusted pitch sizes. The length of cricket pitches utilized in junior cricket has sparked debates, prompting ongoing studies to evaluate the effects of altering pitch length on batting, bowling, and fielding. These research outcomes have been documented in the International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching.

Under 7 (U-7)16 yards
Under 9 (U-9)18 yards18 yards15.3 yards
Under 10 (U-10)18 yards19 yards15.3 yards
Under 11 (U-11)20 yards20 yards17.5 yards
Under 12 (U-12)20 yards21 yards17.5 yards
Under 13 (U-13)21 yards21 yards19.7 yards
Under 14 (U-14)21 yards22 yards22 yards
Under 15 (U-15)21 yards22 yards22 yards
Under 16 (U-16) +22 yards22 yards22 yards

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